Sunday, August 4, 2013

Things That Make Me Happy....

In this crazy world of IF, (and now IVF), there are a lot of things that consume my thoughts and make me crazy. Blood draws, RE appointments, meds, ultrasounds, money....sometimes it's really the simple and little things that I need to focus on to find happiness in every day.  Back in my hometown newspaper, there was a section called "Simple Pleasures."  People could write in and share their simple pleasures in life.  Here are some of mine, but I hope you add some of your own too....

Bacon.......bacon can make ANY bad day better. I have a love affair with bacon.

Argo Tea is delicious.  There is a store right by me RE's office, so it's my treat to myself whenever I go in. The Earl Grey Vanilla Creme = heaven. 
My Kindle Fire.  Ok, not necessarily my Kindle Fire itself, but the books on it. I love reading so much - for me, it's a little escape from reality - and I love it.  
Fun socks.  Ok, this is probably more of a fall and winter simple pleasure, but the fact of the matter is that I can be dressed in a nice suit for work, and wearing funky socks and it's sort of a reminder to not take anything too seriously.
But when push comes to shove, sometimes I just need an Angry Orchard. ;)

And some gangta rap.....
Life Goes On.......

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