Tuesday, August 13, 2013

And Then There Were Four.....

So apparently good things come in fours as well..... today I got the call that I had been waiting for from the RE - they actually retrieved FOUR eggs. Two of them were mature, were inseminated yesterday, and fertilized! As of today, they were growing normally. I still can't even type those words without getting tears in my eyes. As for my other two eggs, well, so far they're champs too. They weren't mature yesterday when they were retrieved, but matured overnight, were inseminated this morning, and I should get a call tomorrow letting me know whether they fertilized and are growing.

As crazy as it sounds, I am constantly in awe of how completely blessed we have been along this journey.  I wouldn't wish infertility on anyone, the pain, both physical and emotional is gut-wrenching.  There are no words to describe it. And even though this isn't how we planned to start our family, I've learned so much. First, that I am so much stronger than I think. Just try telling me I can't do something now.  Second, my marriage has been tested on so many levels, and we're more in love now than we we've ever been. We're not going anywhere. Finally....Life isn't fair. But sometimes the injustice of it helps us grow in ways that ultimately will help us be the kind of people we hope to be.  I wish I could have learned some of these lessons an easier way, but those weren't the cards I was dealt, so now I can just try to accept where  we're at and take away the best that I can from it.

Today I have 2 embryos and tomorrow I may have 2 more. I am SO blessed. When I got the call at work, I broke down in happy tears. My colleague and his wife are also going through IF, and we have connected over the emotional challenges that accompany infertility. Had we not bumped into each other at the RE clinic, we would have never known, but I am so appreciative of the support we are able to offer each other, now that the cat's out of the bag. Today, after I got the call, he saw me in the hallway, and noticed that I was a little emotional. He asked if I was ok, and when I told him that I was just happy because I have 2 embryos, he actually got choked up for me. That's the kind of  support you can only hope for.   I am so SO blessed.

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