Sunday, July 21, 2013

Drumroll Please......

The winner is.....Mini IVF!! I had pretty mixed feelings about both of the different treatment arms, but overall, am really thrilled that this is the route we are going.  My primary fears with conventional IVF were the multitude of shots and the amount of drugs that I would be pumping into my system.  That said, I also appreciated the long history of success with conventional IVF, and the  fact that I would have had a fresh transfer, likely more embryos to freeze, and two transferred. Mini IVF is a different ballgame. While it is relatively new in terms of treatment, the clinic and Dr's I am working with have really pioneered  this technology, so I feel that I am in excellent hands.

The appointment:
Last Tuesday I went in to the clinic at 8:00 am to turn over all of my screening results and medical records from my previous clinic. I also had a blood draw, ultrasound and pap. Dr.Z, the RE who has spent his career researching and perfecting Mini IVF, and who is running the study, is the Dr.who completed  my exam. He was so friendly and made me feel so comfortable, which put my mind at ease going into the randomization.  After all that was done, I went to work and tried to get stuff done for several hours until I was supposed to go back in the afternoon to find out what study arm I would be participating in. Let me tell you - shit wasn't gettin' done. It was a weird situation in which I felt like I was at that stage of drunkenness where I was slap- happy, but sure that serious trouble was right around the corner. Is that just me?

In any case, I went back in the afternoon, and the research coordinator pulled a numbered envelope out of a locked file cabinet, and ceremoniously waved it in the air before slicing it open and pulling out my fate. After learning about my treatment, the research coordinator got me all of my prescriptions for my meds and sent me on my way.

The treatment:
Starting that day, I began birth control pills (which seems hilariously counter-intuitive). I will be taking Generess for 14 days total, and 2 days after my last pill (July 31st), I will go in for another exam and begin  Clomid for 14 days, with the addition of 1-3 Follitism injections.  Beginning at day 10 of my cycle, I will have daily ultrasounds to monitor my follicles and best determine how to time the egg retrieval. When all looks good, I will use Syranel (nasal spray) to induce ovulation, and then will go in with DH to collect a semen sample, and retrieve the eggs. They said this should be around mid-August. Typically with Mini IVF, there are 5-7 eggs retrieved, but the hypothesis is that they are typically of an excellent quality.(Fingers crossed!)

After the eggs are retrieved the embryologist will use ICSI to fertilize each egg with an individual sperm, and the following day, I should get a call letting me know how many eggs were retrieved, and how many were fertilized. They'll then watch the embryos for 5 days to see how they develop and will freeze them on day 5.  After that....I wait. For a whole.stinking.month. Then again, after 32 months, I am pretty sure I can handle it. Once my cycle starts, I'll go in around CD19 for a single embryo transfer. Dr.Z said that he's going to do everything he can to have me pregnant by the end of September!

How I'm Feeling:
Super excited, hopeful and nervous. This 2 week period of  taking BCP's is about as exciting as watching paint dry, but it's the first phase of the process, which is amazing. I haven't been on BCP  since 2009 so I wasn't really sure what to expect for side effects, but essentially the only one I've experienced so far is that my boobs are tender and somehow, gigantic.  I am literally spilling out of my bras and have taken to wearing sports bras  as often as possible.  DH isn't complaining though, so I'll take it. ;)  As  a part of the study I have  to do a  survey every day to note any side effects I am experiencing, and a much longer survey once a week to discuss my physical and emotional condition surrounding treatments. If big tits and feeling like a kid before Christmas is all I have to complain about I think that I am pretty lucky. :)

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