Friday, June 28, 2013

BOOM! Imma make August my biatch.

A few days ago, when AF showed up with all of her usual fanfare and I realized that IUI #4 didn't work, it was like a punch in the gut. Since we can't afford IVF, our Hail Mary was a chance at an IVF clinical study, and when the IUI failed, we knew that getting  into the study was our only chance of moving on with treatment. We had already been pre-screened for the study, but had an appointment today to determine whether we would be accepted.

WE GOT IN!  I am still in shock and can barely wrap my head around it. This study is essentially to prove the effectiveness of minimal stimulation IVF (Mini IVF) in comparison to conventional IVF.  The idea is that while the effectiveness of conventional IVF is not really up for debate, minimal stimulation IVF, which sort of goes against conventional IVF treatments is equally as effective.  It's sort of an issue of quantity vs. quality.  the hypothesis is that while there are more eggs produced in conventional IVF, thus creating more potential embryos, that with mini IVF, there are fewer, but higher quality embryos produced resulting in similar outcomes with less medication.

Because this is a clinical study, I don't get to decide which treatment I do. In a couple of weeks, I will be randomly sorted into a study arm. At that point I will know whether I will be undergoing conventional or mini IVF treatment. As part of the study, the IVF will be covered at 100%. My only cost will be medications. Yes, you read that correctly. IVF. For almost free. Coming full circle to my reason for being in shock.  I honestly can't believe that we have been given this amazing opportunity. In addition to agreeing to participate in either  treatment arm, I also need to complete a daily and weekly log outlining  my emotional and physical reactions to the treatment as well as continue to report back for a period of time so that if I do end up pregnant, they can track the live birth rate.

For the first time in awhile I feel enthusiastically hopeful. Come August, I have a real shot at finally becoming a mom. I can hardly  believe it!

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