Friday, September 6, 2013

Is It Worth It, Can You Twerk It?

I don't care who you are or what you claim - every one of us gets just a little bit gleeful at the prospect of someone hitting the bricks. Something about watching the human body flail awkwardly before the moment of impact makes our faces light up in anticipation. Obviously, no one wants to witness someone get hurt, but for that split second before it actually registers that there is danger involved, watching someone fall is hilarious.(I'm not wrong here- don't argue).

Today I hit the mother lode in terms of amazing falls.

I have watched  this at least nine times. It doesn't get old. Hats off to YOU fair lady, for getting me through an otherwise monotonous work day.

In other news, I'm sure you've all been waiting with bated breath for my next update......or not. The last few weeks have been a dog and pony show of intense work projects, travel a vacation that wasn't really a vacation, and a couple of Dr.appointments. 

Most notably, the appointment where my eye doctor told me I need to switch to glasses 50% of the time. To be fair, I was also given this instruction a couple of years ago, but much like a stop sign, I treated it as optional. This time though, Dr.H laid the hammer down. So, $400 and a pair of Gucci specs later, I am officially an eyeglass wearing phenom. Or maybe I just wear glasses. 

Less notably (probably because I'm so used to it), I also had a good old date with the vag cam.  It feels like one of those relationships that you aren't entirely happy in, but you stay because it's comfortable. I don't really like feeling like the subject of voyeurism, but I've become so used to being pantsless in front of an audience, it just feels normal. In any case, turns out that my lining was perfect, but I was a few days away from being ready for the embryo transfer, so for now, our little Encino Man is safely chilling while I bide my time until my next  appointment, this Sunday. If I had to guess, I'd  bet on an embryo transfer early next week, which means I intend to imbibe somewhat heavily this weekend as an optimistic fare-thee-well to alcohol. 

Until next time....

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