Sunday, September 8, 2013

I Hate Grocery Shopping

I would rather clean the bathroom than go grocery shopping.  Especially in the vast metropolis in which I live. Going grocery shopping now involves far too much strategy as compared to what it did in my previous suburban habitat.

First - the grocery store here runs out of carts.  Running out of carts means one thing - there are hundreds of individuals perusing the grocery aisles, either completely unaware of their surroundings so as to cause traffic jams, or moving at an aggressive pace that often results in cart-on-cart collisions or injuries to the achilles tendon.

A trip to the grocery store requires an assessment of other external factors so as to achieve optimal timing. 1) Is the football game still on?  2) What is the weather like? 3) Is it a traditional meal time? 4) Is it a holiday weekend?  Adding to the frustration is that often, the most optimal timing for a grocery excursion is around 7-8pm. However, this is also the time frame in which most people are parking their cars in the limited number of street parking spaces available within the neighborhood, so vacating a space to get to the grocery store may result in a substantially longer trek with weighty food stuffs upon return to said neighborhood.

In my fridge, there is currently a carton of milk, string cheese, and a bag of grapes that are too old to be eaten.  Yet here I sit, paralyzed by the dread the comes prior to any necessitated grocery store excursion. Wish me luck, friends. I've gotta take one for the team......

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