Friday, February 8, 2013

The Vageen

Yes, I titled this post after a vagina. Unfortunately this came about as I was reflecting on the disturbing number of men that have seen my vagina since I've been married. Infertility is a bitch!

I suppose I should back up a bit.....(TMI Warning Ahead!!!)

As comes around every 30-ish days (give or take), I started my period last weekend, and after (literally just a couple) tears and a box of Good 'n Plenty's I decided that I needed to talk with my DH (dear husband or damn husband, depending on my mood). about WTF we are going to do.  After 24 months of trying (unsucessfully) to get pregnant, an Unexplained Infertility diagnosis, and a bunch of other shit that hit the fan, I have felt like we were on the cusp of needing to make some big decisions, and this was it.....

I was shocked to find out that my DH was ready to go ahead with our IUI treatment plan that had been on hold for almost a year.  The following day I contacted our RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) to find out what the cost of IUI would be under our new insurance.  Part of the reason for our delay in treatment was that under our previous insurance, IUI would cost around $900 per cycle, and we wanted to have enough saved up to do multiple cycles at a time if needed.  This paired with some other significant and unanticipated financial obligations put us in a tough spot.  However, I got better news than I could have possibly expected when I found out that with our new insurance, IUI was COVERED except for co-pays. SAY WHAT?!?!  This never happens!  For some reason, even though Infertility is classified as a disease, insurance companies typically don't feel inclined to cover it.

It was settled. We decided to go ahead with IUI this cycle. I am still in shock.  It is crazy that this is the first cycle in 24 months that we have had a fighting chance of actually getting pregnant.  I am a realist, the odds are still not in our favor, but they are within reason, and that counts for something.

On Tuesday I went in for my CD3 bloodwork and ultrasound, and this is where things come full circle to my earlier point about dudes seeing my vag. Nothing like having someone looking at your meat flaps while probing you with a dildo-cam. It was awesome. All went well, my bloodwork ended up being ok (after one re-test) and the ultrasound showed nothing of major concern. I was then given my prescription for Clomid to take from CD5-CD9.

So yesterday, I started popping these bad boys:

Yay! Let the hot flashes and mood swings begin! I go back on the 15th for a monitoring ultrasound and am hoping for some good follicles, a nice looking lining, and no cysts! 

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