Sunday, February 17, 2013

Right Around the Corner....

My 32nd birthday is right around the corner, and this week, I plan on celebrating with as many people up in my vajay as possible! Woot!

Friday, after a week of traveling, and only minimal Clomid-induced hot-flashes, I was looking forward (albeit anxiously) to my monitoring appointment with my RE. For the record, a monitoring appointment involves a dildo-cam and no less than 2 people looking at my lady-bits.  In any case, it went pretty darn well. The RE on duty was really impressed with how I had responded to the Clomid. My lining was measuring 8.9, which means nothing to me, but the doc didn't seem concerned. I also had 4 follicles, 3 of which looked amazing! I had 2 on the left, measuring14mm and 21mm and 2 on the right measuring 19mm and 24mm. They like to see follies measuring 18mm or better.

I was sent home with instructions to take ovulation tests twice a day until I noticed a surge, and come in the morning following the surge.  Based on darkening tests, I am hoping that perhaps tomorrow will be the day! Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like a catheter through your cervix and your husband's spooge in a cup! I am so excited!


  1. FX for you GG! Glad that everything looked good at your appt!

    Happy Belated BD - mine was earlier this month and I turned the awesome 32 as well!

    Keeping you in my T&P's! (this is lobo!)

  2. Yay!! I hope that 32 kicks ass for both of us. <3 you lobo!
