Really, I did not intend for this blog to be solely about my infertility, but since that is kind of my thing right now, that is what you get to hear about. This IUI cycle went down a lot more stressfully than I anticipated, and while I am still very hopeful, I am not expecting much. I am just too nervous about the variables.
After my monitoring appointment on Friday, I thought for sure I would surge soon because of my follie sizes. After no surge on Friday night, or Saturday, we kind of just said fuck it. Literally. And I apologize for being crass. I didn't know if I had perhaps missed my surge or if it was still coming and without a trigger, I didn't know what to do. After another negative OPK yesterday morning, we BD'ed again figuring that the earliest we would be in for the IUI would be Tuesday. This morning, however, I woke up with a glaringly positive OPK. Shoot. Originally, the RE told me to test in the evenings and come in the morning after a positive, but I didn't know what to do since I took this in the morning....come in today, or wait another 24 hours. I called the nurses line and told them the situation and they told me to come in today. Double shoot. Not more than 30 hours since we last BD'ed. :( Not optimal timing at all, but didn't know if waiting another 24 hours would make us miss it.
We made it in, and the lack of down time between bangin' and the IUI definitely showed in the numbers. Despite the fact that DH's SA showed more than 120 million sperm, we only got about 5 million post-wash with this IUI. I am really, really disappointed with that. I wasn't too concerned at first because the RE seemed ok with it, but damn Google is showing likelihood of success at much higher numbers so now I feel discouraged. The RE told us to BD tonight and again tomorrow, so hopefully that will up our odds.
I think I was just expecting to feel way better about things once this was done, but turns out, I don't feel any more optimistic than I have any other cycle. So now, here I sit, a freaking basketcase to the likes of which I haven't experienced in a really really long time. I need to keep busy this week so I don't lose my mind. Obviously, worst case scenario, we just do it again next cycle - no harm, no foul, but dang, I am sick of TTC.
FX for you!!! Thinking about you!!